Thursday, December 10, 2009


Paranoia visited me today.  I tried to dodge it by running around doing laundry, getting stuff put away, and playing with Little Man, but it wouldn't leave me alone!  I escaped to FOUR different stores, but it waited for me in the car, and snuck right back in the house with me when I returned.  Luckily, it's scared of the oven, so it skedaddled while I cooked dinner, and it HATES it when I chat with friends, so as long as I've been texting the Queen back and forth this evening, it's been cowering in the corner.  In fact, chatting with friends seems to manufacture some sort of invisible protective shield around me, and I'm miraculously starting to feel impervious to its powers. 

Ha!  In your face, paranoia!

That's the great thing about blankety-blanks like that; they're not so scary when you learn how to deal with them.

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