Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Three things were awesome about today:

1) Mini Me was home from school, and I got to hang out with her ALL DAY.

2) Little Man took two naps on me - - snuggled right in on my chest and slept so peacefully while I indulged in EIGHT episodes of Entourage.  (I've barely watched t.v. in months, so just chillin' on the couch like that was a major double bonus.)

3) I talked at length on the phone with three different girlfriends, which made me feel a) super young again, b) giddy in regard to various topics of conversation, and 3) really loved. :o)

I didn't get much work done, but I did invest time into planning a new business venture - a direct sales kind of thing.  (Gosh, I just love mixing money making with having fun - and my friend The Queen has definitely taught me that home parties are a TON of fun!)  And of course I spent time with the kids.  THAT is worth way more than any minor satisfaction I might have from living in a clean, organized house.  Besides - I (mostly) cleaned the kitchen yesterday. ;o)

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