Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm sooooo not in the mood...

to write!  And the funny thing is, I think that's because I'm just enjoying LIVING right now.  Mini Me got a Wii for Christmas, and we've spent three days canoeing, sword fighting, jet skiing, skydiving, bowling... and laughing!  I'm sore all over - tired - and just plain disinterested in writing about it.  And that is the coolest thing ever!  The past week has been so completely fulfilling that I want to just be in every moment - - not have to take time out to blog about it. 

Tomorrow will be intense, though.  Tomorrow I'm going to start getting real.  Not that I've been fake in my blogs - - but I've left out a lot of the real and focused solely on the fabulous.  The truth is that there are a lot of aspects to life that are decidedly UNfabulous - and sometimes I have to work hard to turn them around.  I think now it's time to start talking about that.

Well, tomorrow anyway.

Tonight I'm going to continue savoring the last lingering drops of Christmas deliciousness.  Mini Me leaves tomorrow, and we won't have a chance to just hang out together again for a week - so I can't spare any more time for writing about my life.  Right now it's time to actually LIVE.

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