Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friends and Family

I love the Christmas season.  It gets me all warm and fuzzy and soft and weepy with joy.  So being back at my old church this morning - exchanging hugs and warm greetings and quick "catch up" stories with wonderful people whom I don't see nearly often enough - was a an especially great warm fuzzy moment.  But watching my beautiful daughter grinning beneath her chef's hat as she recited her lines so clearly and distinctly with appropriate pauses and expressive gestures was one of those particularly weepy moments that makes me all giddy and proud.  By noon I'd already had a fabulous day!

But today was a double whammy of joy because the people who've been most significant in Little Man's young life all gathered at my parents' house to celebrate his first birthday this afternoon - - and he had an absolute BALL.  What could be more heartwarming and giddyifying (yes - it's a word - now, anyway!) than watching your active, exuberant toddler light up over every gift so generously given and every crumb of chocolate cupcake he so ravenously inhaled?  No - he won't remember it later on when I really need him to remember that at least once in his life he was deliriously happy being around his mother and extended family instead of locked in his room playing video games -- but all that really matters is that today - for about four hours straight - he had the time of his life.  I know - - toddlers are easily entertained.  But that doesn't make seeing his ginormous grin (thanks to my high school students for that perfect descriptive word) any less gratifying.

Today was absolutely fabulous thanks to my children - my family - and my friends.  I could not be more blessed.

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