Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too Much Fun

That should be the goal - - to have so much fun that I literally don't have time to write.  Unfortunately, that defeats the purpose of challenging myself to write everyday for a year.  But this weekend has been the perfect combination of busy and fun -- and having made 20 posts already is a heck of a lot better than I'd been doing before I challenged myself, so I think one of the fabulous things I'm going to do for myself today is forgive me for not being perfect.  But I also must thank my sis for asking where yesterday's post is.  That means she's paying attention - and that means an awful lot.

So here is my weekend update:

The weekend started with taking Mini Me to the Christmas Walk Friday evening - the highlight of which was trying on ugly Christmas sweaters at the resale shop downtown with Smokin' Hot Neighbor's hubby.  They're hosting a party in two weeks for which we are to wear one - the uglier the better.  We didn't purchase the Fredricks santa teddy ensemble (complete with Santa hat, of course) that he really wanted, but we did have a LOT of laughs.  And I can't wait to see him sporting the red and green plaid ladies' jacket he snagged for the bargain price of less than $5.00!

Mini Me didn't gripe when I dragged her out of bed super early on Saturday to come work at the Lioness Christmas Craft Show.  She was my highlight for that - - - she diligently worked the kids' activity table, even when the teenagers who had supposedly volunteered "abandoned" her (her word, through her tears, as she collapsed - exhausted - into bed late that night).  I couldn't have been more proud.  Of course it was equally thrilling to later see her jumping up and down and wriggling as if electrical jolts were buzzing through her when my friend the Scentsy consultant called to say that Mini Me had won the drawing for a free warmer and three scent bars.  "Aren't you glad I made you put in for that?" she chided me.  "Aren't you glad I put your name on it?" I responded.

Today was a good church day, followed by Christmas caroling, and a wee bit of "cleaning."  (Well, I loaded the dishwasher, which I hate, so that counts.  REALLY.)  Then we had pizza with my parents; Mini Me rehearsed her extremely lllooooooonnngggg monologue for the Christmas play (she's Paula Queen - a play on Paula Dean - complete with southern drawl and sassy attitude); and Little Man was introduced to his big first birthday gift: a mega playland (which he loved), including 50 plastic balls which are perfect for throwing all over my living room, apparently.  We never did turn on Christmas music today, but Mini Me regaled us with several carols on the piano, and I even lit a few candles, turned on all the little white lights, and heated up both of my Scentsy warmers, so we were surrounded by the yummy smells of Christmas, at least.

Now it's time to tuck in Mini Me, and I'm going to finish off my night by watching the rest of my Fa La La La Lifetime cheesy Christmas movie.  According to this great work of fiction, it is possible to have 13 sexy, sweet, intelligent men who all live in the same small town.  But I suppose we all need to live out our fantasies somehow. ;o)

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