Thursday, December 17, 2009

So Many Things!

Where do I even start?  I have to do the abbreviated version because Little Man is wiggling on my  lap and slapping at the computer while his sister hollers from the other room, wanting her cuddle time with Mom.  So here goes:

LOVE my new Miche Bags!

Had a SUPER fun time celebrating Little Man's b-day at the "playground" at the mall and with my sis - - especially thought it was funny when naked baby peed on the lower shelf of her coffee table after devouring way too much chocolate cake and even MORE frosting.

Made my first Miche Bag sale!!!

Booked my SECOND Miche Bag show!!!

Got an AWESOME haircut!

Had a fabulous dinner!

And now I'm out -- Little Man is upset that I smacked his hand and he wants some lovin'.

Night, all!

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