Thursday, December 31, 2009


If there is one thing I need to figure out - SOON - it's how to conquer this beast.  No matter how much I psych myself up, I can't seem to beat him.  His fiendishly beady little eyes are always staring me down, and I end up cowering in a corner rather than shoving past him.

I started reading about how to overcome this evil monster, and the ideas sound GREAT.  But I can't talk about it right now -- I'll have to fill you in later.


I'm off to actually GET SOMETHING DONE.  (Something = laundry, dishes, and surface cleaning sufficient that my sister will not be grossed out when she arrives this evening.)  Happy New Year everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. If you figure it out, please share the answer with me (when you get around to it). ;)
