Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Love a Variety

SEVERAL things were fabulous about today:

1) All but a handful of my students passed their second exit exam - the essay.  Most importantly, the repeat students for whom this was most critical are moving on to the next level.  YAY FOR THEM!!!  And I managed to enter my grades on time.  I can't guarantee I entered everything correctly, but I at least tried to follow the directions for once...

2) Mini Me and I had fun roaming around WalMart for an hour, looking for a $5 grab bag gift for school (thank goodness it was specifically supposed to be a girly gift - - that does make things much simpler), and not once did I get irritated when she had me traipse back and forth from one end of the store to the other - TWICE.

3) The kids and I drove around looking at Christmas lights for a little while on our way home!  I even got excited about some of the multi-colored lights I used to LOVE as a kid. :o)

4) I started a blog for my new business as a Miche Bag rep!  Then I had oodles of fun creating new business cards - TWO-sided, including pricing info and fourteen mini pics of actual Miche Bags. ;o)

5) The printer did not spit streaks of excess ink all over my gorgeous new cards, nor did it jam, run out of ink, or break down altogether.  (This is probably the most miraculous aspect of today.)

6) I talked with Little Man's sperm donor for 47 minutes and 1 second and my head did not explode.  (There's a lot to this story that I am still hesitant to discuss on a blog which centers around making my life fabulous -- the story is decidedly UNfabulous.  But what is fabulous is my ability to move on from it.  WOO HOO!!)  In fact, I don't think I even raised my voice.  At least not too much.

7) I actually remembered to check the front porch, so that the box containing the Christmas gifts I'd ordered for Mini Me didn't end up being stolen overnight.  (I'm forty now.  Remembering stuff IS a big deal.)

8) And all this activity prevented me from eating excess amounts of Christmas cookies or cheese.  (Lately I've been a cheese freak - melted on tortilla chips, spread on crackers, piled on pizza... I can feel my arteries clogging as I write.)

So it was definitely a fabulous day.  100%. :o)

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