Friday, December 4, 2009


My mother volunteered Dad to help me deliver poinsettias yesterday.  At least that's what he wanted to stress - that she had volunteered him.  But after almost 5 hours of driving around Dixon and spreading good cheer, plus coffee and the best ginger snaps I've ever had and some pretty yummy chili donated by Culver's, Dad was in a pretty great mood and even said to me, "This has been fun."

This is fabulous on several levels.

First, I haven't had the opportunity to hang out with my dad like that in a lllooonnnnggggg time.  And any projects we've undertaken together lately have been the kind of home improvement projects that lead to frustration and messes and stress that doesn't end until the project is finally done.  There was no mess involved with this one - and we got a LOT of time to just drive and chat.

Second, it's great to get Dad out of the house and doing something other than slaving away for my mother or me.

And third, I'd really like to see him get involved in Kiwanis.  My parents were incredible role models for volunteerism while I was growing up, and I think Dad would feel really good about serving the community again.  I know it always makes me feel wonderful, and I am eternally grateful for him and Mom having taught me to do it.

The poinsettias were gorgeous.  The smiles on the recipients even more beautiful.  It was a fabulous day.

1 comment:

  1. I know you didn't deliver my poinsettia but I smiled when I received mine too!
