Friday, December 11, 2009

My Shining Star

I took Mini Me to my Lioness Christmas Party tonight, and on the spur of the moment I asked her to recite her Christmas Story lines from the upcoming Christmas pageant on Sunday.  Bless her shy, intimidated, probably-a-wee-bit-resentful little heart - my adorable daughter stood up on a chair (with more than a tiny  bit of urging) and spontaneously performed her page-and-a-half monologue in her adorable Southern drawl - even sometimes using her adorable little gestures (albeit tentatively). 

I'm not the kind of parent who likes to brag about my kids, but I didn't hold back tonight.  I couldn't be more proud.

And no matter how challenging life can be, having her to "cuddle" with at night is "better than a hot bowl of cheese grits on a cold winter's day."  Thank you, Paula Queen, for "cookin' up Christmas" for me everyday - - and for showing me what true love really is.  Forgive me for mixing my musicals here, but somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good to deserve the miraculous gift this child is to me.

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