Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wee wee wee...

No, actually that's "Wii Wii Wii!!!!"  Or perhaps just "Wii Wii" because we spent two days straight playing the Wii this weekend.  And it was a BLAST.  How hysterical that a video game can turn adults back into children!  How ironic that it can also turn sweet, nurturing women into competitive, ruthless slayers. 

But truly, what better way is there to leave your stresses behind, work out your body and your mind, and indulge in some major laughter therapy??

While my Sassy friend was here on Friday, we could have been complaining about work.  We could've indulged in gossip.  I suppose we could've attempted to save the world by analyzing solutions to all of it's problems - though we have enough problems to solve right within our little work world, so we rarely branch out beyond that... But the point is that rather than spending our "free" time stoking the fire of fury we so often feel in regard to the struggles in our jobs, we let go. 

And then I did the same thing - for even LONGER - when my sis was here yesterday.  In fact, that is specifically what she came to do: to play the Wii.  Why not?  It's freaking FUN!  Even Little Man has been getting into it - - with help, of course.

The truth is, I think we'd all be so much happier if we indulged in child's play more often.  Couple it with a physical workout and mental strategy and we're no longer simply indulging - - we're doing ourselves a huge favor - physically, mentally, spiritually. 

I highly recommend everyone try the Wii - especially the Wii Fit Plus and Sports Resort.  No - you can NOT get the same benefits from other video games that have you sitting on your bum while you commit crimes and murder people violently through sprays of blood and gore.  (On the Wii, there is no death - just comical writhing and twitching on the ground at times - and humorous flattening of wide eyed Miis unsure of what has just befallen them.)  Check one out from the video store and test it out.  Seriously.  This may just be one of the best inventions EVER.

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