Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sometimes you've just gotta say...

"What the f#@%."

When people start actually flinging their shit at you, THAT is one of those times.  And when you use your giant shit shield to reflect it, and it hits them square in the face on the rebound, so they accuse YOU of being the shit flinger?  Well, then you just LAUGH.

I know it's hard to find life humorous when there's shit flying everywhere, but you've got to consider the alternative.  I choose not to simply lie down and drown in shit.

So I'm off to the showers - - AGAIN.

Oh, and by the way - I could play linguistic games and come up with an entertaining variety of euphemisms for SHIT so as not to offend anyone with my raw, blatantly coarse language, but this is not an appropriately euphemistic situation.  Connotatively, nothing else is appropriate here.  It is simply shit - filthy, disgusting, reeking SHIT.

Perhaps I'm lowering myself to the shit flinger's level just a wee bit by reducing myself to writing so offensively, but again - consider the alternative.  I could go "ape shit" on the #%*&@%  #@%&*$ instead.  But I think taking out my frustration on my innocent blog readers is less caustic.  Besides - I know you readers can all relate, and whether you're willing to curse publically or not, you've all cursed a few shit flingers in your time - - in your minds at least.

And that's why right now I'm shifting to saying - in the spirit of Joel Goodson - "WHAT THE F#@%!"

Yeah - I could be the bigger person and just ignore it.  Or I could be a truly saintly person and forgive and forget.  But COME ON!!  When you've repeatedly had shit flung directly in your face - and your hair - and all over your clothes - and it's stinging your eyes and burning your tongue, you deserve to react less than sweetly.  It is, after all, quite unhealthy to keep your anger and frustration all bottled up inside.  You've got to let it out.

And then you've got to just LET IT GO.

Thus, I thank you, Joel.  You've taught me quite a valuable lesson in how to deal with the shitty aspects of life.

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