Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm finding myself becoming more and more forthright in the back forty.  Is it the wisdom I've gained?  The confidence?  Or could it simply be the fact that at this point in my life, I'm tired of trying to impress people?  Regardless - when I'm with my S-M-M-C, I just let it all spill out.  (Today it literally spilled out to the point where I wasn't sure how much of my mascara was left on my lashes and how much was streaked garishly across my face.  Of course I trusted the SMMC to tell me if I looked frighteningly clownish before we left the back room of the bookstore where we were having coffee.)  

But thank goodness I do that with him because he is the most empathetic, validating, spirit-picker-upper I've ever known.  (No offense girlfriends, but he's even better than any woman I've ever known.)  He even validated my use of profanity in yesterday's post.  It was necessary, he said, to convey the essence of the situation.

So it turns out I'm NOT insane - I'm NOT at fault - and I'm NOT wrong!  Now perhaps the SMMC believes all this because his perception is as skewed as mine, but I frankly don't care.  All I know is that I felt good all day today thanks to his feedback.  

EVERYONE needs a friend like that!

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