Monday, January 18, 2010


I've been accused of being an idealist - as if that's a bad thing.  I'd like to believe I temper my idealism with realism, which at least qualifies me as logical and not a fantasy-ist.  But what's wrong with dreaming about a better world - wanting life to be as good as it can get?  As long we know the limitations - as long as we don't count on unreasonably fairytale-ish outcomes - then why shouldn't we be optimistic?!?  In fact - what happens if we think the worst?

I know that even though I believe people are innately good, they are always going to make bad choices (some more than others).  I know that there are MANY unpredictables in life.  And I know that life is nowhere near easy. 

But I also know that when you believe in someone, it makes a difference.  That's why cheerleaders don't desert their teams in the midst of a losing streak.  That's why kids born into poverty in the rankest slums in the darkest parts of the most hellish cities can rise above their surroundings and grow up to do great things.  And that's why I find it impossible to completely turn my back on the people closest to me, no matter how taxing their choices can be on my psyche.

The thing is, I've SEEN changes occur.  Sometimes they're just small - sometimes they don't stick - but they DO happen.  We all have the capacity to learn and grow, and from my job to my parenting, I hope to foster just that.  And sometimes I actually do.  Sometimes not.

Yeah, it's hard to watch people continue to make poor choices.  Sometimes I have to let go (according to the serenity prayer) of those things I cannot change.  But I refuse to relinquish all my hope because the alternative - to me - is unfathomable. 

What happens when you stop dreaming?  How does life get better if you resign yourself to it being CRAP?  If we all just sit back and say, "I can't change that," then nothing will EVER be changed.

So instead of giving up, I choose to strengthen myself for the fight.  I'll surround myself with a fortress of friends and worthwhile undertakings, and I'll fight like hell - safe within the walls of my stronghold. 

The trick is avoiding the Trojan horses I've tended to accept as gifts in the past.  Sometimes they disguise themselves as harmless little kitty cats who suddenly grow deadly claws and lethal fangs.  But you'd think an idealist-realist could finally learn how to safely cage such potential beasts.  As long as I take preliminary precautions, I believe I can do just that.

And thus today I fight on!

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