Thursday, January 21, 2010

Busy is GOOD

which is why I refuse to feel guilty for not blogging daily. 

The fabulous thing is that, despite being uber-busy and living in a disaster area, I'm not stressed.  Obviously I'm enjoying my busy-ness!  In fact, I've become so fabulously happy with my busy, busy undertakings that I've stopped battling altogether.  AND I'VE WON THE WAR.  Well - so far.  I'm not completely convinced that my enemy-turned-ally won't suddenly take up arms against me again, but at the moment I just don't care.  It's AMAZING how finding purpose and enjoyment in life has shifted my strategic positioning so fully. 

So I won't apologize for failing to fulfill my daily writing commitment.  The fact that I'm continuing to write at all is a major victory for me, first of all, but the fact that I've brought purposeful, beneficial activity into my and my kids' lives means that I've accomplished the most significant goal for my back forty:  LIFE HAS BECOME TRULY FABULOUS.

Don't get me wrong - - the challenges are still there.  And my quest for patience is somehow forgotten much of the time when I'm dealing with Mini Me (my pre-adolescent, hormonal, stubborn daughter).  But overall things are definitely going well.  VERY well.  And I'm proud of myself for making these gains.

Now, if I can just balance my hectic schedule with blogging, then I'll have accomplished something really fabulous!

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