Monday, January 25, 2010


I was incredibly relieved to hear a friend use this term in regard to the American people yesterday.  As much as I hate to judge others, I'm afraid that is what many of us are.  How tragically devastating are the events of this past week -- and no, I'm not talking about what is happening in Haiti.  I'm talking about what is happening on Facebook.  Discussion after discussion is taking place actually criticizing the efforts to help Haiti. 

When I turned off the t.v. the other evening because the telethon was on every single channel, I was certainly not disgusted by the efforts, but rather overwhelmed that there is such widespread support for our fellow humans!  I could not, however, watch with my ever-so-sensitive daughter whose heart breaks when she sees the sad scenes of what the Haitians are enduring.  This is the same daughter who proudly deposited $20 in a collection basket following Dream Girls on Saturday - and who proudly proclaimed that her papa had given $50.

But on Facebook, I've actually seen posts that bash other countries for not helping US when we experienced tragedy.  I've seen America actually being chastised for giving to this cause!  One man had even commented - THREE TIMES - "F#@% Haiti."  As if once was not enough to convey his disgust.

What is wrong with these people?!?

Honestly, I think they're the ones who refuse to give anything - ever - to any cause.  They can spout the importance of providing for those in need right here in our own country, but I'm guessing they don't do it.  So they're griping about the ridiculousness of our giving to a country that has been literally devastated - to what, make themselves look smart?  To justify their own lack of willingness to reach out?  To cover up their own selfishness? 

My girlfriend was right.  Americans are stupid.  And - as one post told me I should be - I AM ASHAMED.

And very, very sad.

But all I can do is continue with my own efforts - individually, as a teacher, as a parent, and as a volunteer for multiple community organizations - to make a difference.  And hope and pray that the stupid Americans will someday take their blinders off and open their eyes to the comforting, inspiring, exciting reality that we are ALL CONNECTED UNIVERSALLY. 

Certainly those who are spouting crap will be the first ones to cry, "Help ME!" when they suddenly find themselves in a similar situation.  Of course Americans will never BE in such a situation, for we HAVE plenty of aid right here - plenty of money, plenty of food, plenty of equipment, and plenty of manpower to deal with any kind of devastation that might befall us.  Why would we - the lucky ones - NOT want to help those less fortunate?

I'm just so grateful that so many of us DO.  God bless my fellow Lions and Lionesses and Kiwanians and all the individuals out there who volunteer their time and donate their hard earned money to help those less fortunate.  The world is blessed by your existence!

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