Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Power of Friendship

One of last semester's students wrote his argumentative essay on how it's virtually impossible to find good friends anymore.  His evidence included the rarity of opportunities we as adults have to meet new people, and how we're in such a hurry in our lives that even when we do encounter a prospective new friend, we fail to take time to bond. 

How DO you bond with another adult, anyway?  Certainly you could find some common interests to discuss, but I balk at the prospect of approaching someone in the feminine products aisle and bonding over our common fondness for OB Super Plus tampons.  Yes, I'm sure our shared desire to save waste by avoiding tampons with applicators could indicate a common love of the earth upon which we could build a lovely, green friendship, but regardless - - that type of initial contact would be more than a wee bit awkward.  Perhaps finding common ground in the coffee aisle would be less disconcerting, but I must admit that if someone approached me and said, "Hey!  I love Folger's half-caf, caramel mocha nilla-chino, too - let's go chat over a cup of java!" I'd back away quickly, frightened by her desperation.

So how do we do it?

Well, I started a new business.  In a sense, it was like joining a club - and that was one of my motivations for doing so.  My Scentsational friend and The Queen seemed to be having so much fun both working and discussing their new businesses that I felt left out.  So I dove right in.

Now, not only have I bonded more deeply with my inspiring, driven, "old" friends, but I've made some fabulous connections with beautiful new ones as well.  And I've got to admit that as much as I sometimes miss the intimate physical/emotional connection I could share with a lover, the bonding I've done recently with all of my girlfriends warms my heart and soul in a way that no man ever has, nor probably ever could.

Girlfriends - the right girlfriends - are excited simply to bond.  They WANT TO TALK!!  They love sharing their secrets and knowing they can trust you - and you know that as a result you can trust them.  And they won't lie to you because they know you'll love them regardless of the ridiculous choices they make.  They understand you and understand that YOU also understand them, so there's no manipulative game playing.  They don't worry that if they say, "I love you!" you'll take it the wrong way or expect too much out of them, so they actually SAY IT.  And they MEAN it.  They're simply not afraid to open wide and let you right into their hearts where you're enveloped in warmth and comfort and pure, unadulterated joy.

I have been blessed to find the right girlfriends.

I never would have imagined that here in the back forty I'd have so many truly close friendships, nor that they would rival the intimacy of the friendship I've always shared with my Former Twin, but somehow I have found more wonderful friendships than I ever had as a child.  I was so lucky back then to have a friend who was truly the other half of me, and I'm beyond thrilled that we've hung onto that beautiful bond for all these years.  But now I'm even luckier to have entered a phase of life in which other women have also gained the wisdom of experience and are less afraid to share it than they were when we were younger - - so now I'm treasuring many friendships that beatiful - - and I could not be more grateful.

Here's to all the beautiful women in my life!  From Facebook friends to church family to Lionesses to work relationships and all that way back around - you are all invaluable treasures, and I LOVE YOU!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  1. it is a blessing to be your friend :)

  2. What a way to start off your morning, by appreciating the great friendships the you have. I'm so glad that I can call myself one of them! I LOVE YOU TOO!
