Thursday, January 7, 2010


That's what I'm wearing.  That's what I've been wearing all day in fact.  AND a bathrobe.  I even answered the door like this -- TWICE! 

Nope - I wasn't depressed, nor was I lazy - - I just didn't see a need to shower and get dressed when I was working on Miche stuff all day long, and neither Little Man nor my father (who stopped by to snowblow for me, bless his overworked heart!!) cared what I looked like.  And the crazy thing is, it felt GOOD.  It felt purposeful.  Yeah - that makes seemingly very little sense, but it's true nonetheless.  I was surrounded by purpose all day long!  And despite having been in my PJs for 24 hours straight now, I got a reassuring amount of work accomplished today.  So much work that I didn't have an extra 20 minutes to stop and shower and get dressed!

Well - and I did some internet socializing, too, but that's valuable.  Maintaining connections with friends is extremely valuable.  And purposeful!

I laughed a lot today, too.  Especially when Little Man was dancing to some teeny bopper music on the Disney Channel and his sissy joined him.  And when Mini Me's former first grade teacher was messaging me about naughty teenage reminiscences on Facebook.  (I was the naughty one - not she.  Well - perhaps she was naughty, but we haven't discussed her escapades yet - - and we only hinted at mine.)  And when a guy friend caught on to the color posts women were putting as their FBook statuses in recognition of breast cancer awareness today and so he added, "Blue plaid!" as his.  And when I dug excitedly through the box of "purse stuffer" giveaways that arrived a day before promised - and even when I unpacked the crisp, brown shopping bags that also came today.  I even laughed when Little Man was stepping all over the chrome shelves I was putting together as he beat time with two of the chrome tubes.  But I'd say I was more indulging in smirky little giggles as I arranged my show stock on my new display shelves (a bathroom towel rack and matching shelf tower, actually, but a highly creative solution, if I do say so myself!) and realized just how incredibly ingenious I am. ;o) 

Plus I got show materials designed and printed - all 2009 receipts and invoices collected and filed - and I even designed my own Excel spreadsheet to balance income and expenses!  WOO HOO!!!

AND THEN I COOKED DINNER.  (That is all in caps - and bolded - of course, because it is nothing short of a miracle and thus requires appropriate emphasis and recognition.)

The house is still a mess - - but the kitchen is fairly clean.  (Another miracle!)  Most of the laundry is done and put away (except for the multiple piles which are still stacked (but folded) on the table in the laundry room.  But if I don't mind having to trek down to the basement to get dressed, that doesn't matter, right?)  And since I got my course syllabi done yesterday, I still have several days to catch up on projects before my schedule becomes completely chaotic again.  So it's all good!!

Yes - remaining in my PJs all day was a good choice.  Especially because it now saves me the agony of having to undress in my extremely chilly bedroom (or the lazyness of simply going to bed in whatever I would have been wearing instead). I highly recommend a pajama day to anyone who can manage to avoid running errands, offending a spouse, or frightening their own UPS (and FedEx) guys.  You can always claim that you're reliving "spirit week" from your long lost high school days! 

Or, you could just say, "What the f#@%."


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