Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yesterday I failed.

One week into the blog, and I didn't post - which led to something fabulous.  A friend messaged me this morning that she's been a faithful reader, and she was disappointed that I hadn't posted yesterday.  How awesome is that?!?

I missed posting yesterday because after I messed around with Facebook for a while, I chose to abandon the computer to hang out with the kids, and I simply forgot all about it, which is actually a good thing because it means I was having an enjoyable evening.

After a couple humorous phone conversations with girlfriends, my daughter and I settled on the couch with a plateful of nachos and simply watched some t.v. while her baby brother entertained us with his usual silliness as he played with his favorite music-making toys, "danced," and toddled back over to the couch frequently to beg for bites of refried beans and cheese.  That was it!  For an hour and a half straight, I sat on the couch - and I loved it.  I put the baby down at about 8:30; then, at 9:00, I tucked my daughter in, crawled into my own bed, and watched one more episode of Rita Rocks before I turned out my own light and drifted off into an eight and a half hour straight night of great sleep. (Wow - did I need that!)

Yeah - I skipped my exercise and dance classes, which bummed me out just a little, but nothing sounded better to me last night than just chillin' with my kids.  And I'm soooooooo glad that's exactly what I did.

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