Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving Thanks

Despite the fact that holidays are supposed to be special times when you indulge, it seems that holidays in my family can be particularly strained, and - just like prom - the build up of positive expectations can often result in a major letdown.  But this year things were pretty good - and for that, I'm VERY thankful.

Here are the aspects for which I'm particularly thankful:

1) My sis and I started the day with an intense yoga class that literally kicked my butt (I'm having a really hard time walking today - - or even sneezing, for that matter).

2) My daughter's father and I get along well enough that he can share holidays with us which is good in multiple ways - - a) he brings more wine with him, b) it makes my daughter really happy to have him around, c) it gives my son a father figure to play with, and d) having an "outsider" around relieves a lot of the tension that can often build, so my mother is in a much better mood all day.

3) The food was particularly good this year, especially the brussels sprouts, believe it or not!

4) I got to relax and not worry about grading essays for the first Thanksgiving in years.

And - most of all - 5) I got to spend an entire day laughing with and loving my adorable children and realizing how thoroughly God has blessed me by entrusting them to my care.  I couldn't have asked for more wonderful human beings to have graced my life.  And so I was - and am - and will always be - truly thankful. 

Now my daughter and I are off to enjoy our annual circus tradition.  I'll have to blog about that tomorrow.  Tonight I will need to sleep. :o)

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