Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ripley's Believe It or Not...

That's the kind of day I had - the kind where your jaw drops to the floor and your eyes bug out and you think, "Is this seriously happening??"  Then you roll your eyes, sigh loudly (because it's a LOT more fun when you make it over dramatic), and call/text/email every one of your close friends to recount (also over dramatically - in order to squeeze every last drop of delicious melodrama out of this absurd ridiculousness) the bizarre situation that has exploded into your peaceful life like fireworks in a blackened sky.

And the fabulous part?  It's twofold:

First, there's the juicy indulgence in the exaggerated gasps and disgusted snorts and delightful, repetitious squeals of "Oh my GOD!!!" because - we must admit it, girls - no matter how old we get, we still relish a good tale of exaggerated drama now and again (assuming it's fairly benign, and when you're dealing with someone who's clearly unbalanced, it typically is).

And then there's the unadulterated satisfaction of knowing you are now too wise and too mature (and WAY too over this kind of absurdity) to play into it. Go ahead - LET the drama king have the last word.  His psychotic wrath would only be fed by your words anyway.  It is FAR better to let him simmer in his own rotten vegetable stew of emotion.

So I owe thanks to my smokin' hot neighbor (as she has requested I refer to her in my blog) for pointing this out to me (at least the part about how the perpetrator of this delicious melodrama was a good topic for tonight's blog).

As for the realization that behaving like a grown up in response is actually a fabulous accomplishment - well, I made that one up myself.


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