Friday, November 20, 2009

Just when I needed you most...

Kids have it so easy.  Everyday they get to choose from hundreds of other kids at school or on the playground or in line for the carousel at the mall or even just on the sidewalk near their houses to make friends, which consists for them of seemingly nothing more than, "Hey, do you want to play?" and suddenly they've found a new best friend.  It's definitely not so easy as adults.

I was spoiled as a kid.  I had a super close best friend with whom I could share all of my deepest, darkest secrets.  We finished each others' sentences.  Heck, we could even talk at the same time and still understand everything the other one was saying.  It was the perfect symbiosis.  And I've come to rely on having someone with whom I share that kind of connection.  But gosh - finding the time and the person and commonality to be able to make that kind of connection with another adult is a bit of a challenge.  (My childhood twin - according to a story we invented together in 3rd grade - now lives over three hours away.)  Still, I've been seriously blessed - particularly in the past year - to become close with some truly amazing women - and spending time with one of those women was the fabulous highpoint of my day yesterday.

Last night I went to the midnight release of New Moon with my friend (whom I'll affectionately dub "The Queen," for several reasons upon which I choose not to elaborate, but trust me - they're all extremely positive) and a couple other women.  I'm not a huge Twilight fan, though I did enjoy the first movie (and swear I'll read the books soon because The Queen once threatened to end our friendship if I could not discuss these awesome books with her), so I thought it would be fun to indulge in some teeny-bopper style glee. Hence, I downed my caffeinated beverage, put moisturizing drops in my sand-papery eyes, and headed out.

The Queen drove, which was the first highlight of the evening because apparently she has never backed out of her own driveway before, which thus required some extra maneuvering.  And so the laughter began.

The Queen is also unfamiliar with how power locks work, it seems, and thus when we stopped to pick up one of her colleagues, it took a good minute or so before the poor woman was able to get into the car.  However, rather than getting frustrated or making excuses or even apologizing for her momentary clumsiness, my friend just laughed at herself - which occurred for a third time as we looped around and around and around the parking lot of the movie theater thanks to her stubborn determination to "find the closest parking spot, God damn it!"  She's so quirky - I just love it. :o)

Before the movie, The Queen patiently listened to yet another of my never ending diatribes relating the most recent of my nonstop thoughts and concerns about a particular challenge in my life (despite having heard them numerous times before), nodding and validating and supporting all the while.  During the movie, she sat pensively in her seat, gasping at every surprising turn (despite having read the book, probably also numerous times), and immersing herself in the delicious escape of fantasy (because there are some extremely beautiful men - shirtless - in this film).  And after the movie, she excitedly analyzed characterization and cinematography, explored the differences between novel and screenplay, and questioned the variations in perspective and experience between those who had read the books and those who hadn't - all despite the fact that it was after 2:30 in the morning, and we were pretty darned tired.  She was as vibrant, animated, happy, and enthusiastic as she is every time I see her.  Heck, she wakes up that way.

My friend The Queen knows how to appreciate and enjoy and truly indulge in life.  Regardless of what might challenge her or sadden her or stress her out, she remains positive.  She does not live in denial - she does not ignore problems - she does not even take drugs (that I'm aware of).  She just loves life.

And I love being around her.

I remember that before I even really knew TQ, back when I only had a brief professional interaction with her during my first pregnancy ten years ago, she made me feel as if we were already friends.  Several years later, when she friended me on Facebook and we began chatting regularly, it felt as if we'd been friends forever - such good friends, in fact, that when I'm struggling with another of the agonizingly haunting bombardments of oppressive thoughts that seem to hit me every couple days or so, I actually hammer through my stubborn independence and call her and say, "Help."  And she does.  No matter how many times she's had to remind me or advise me or reassure me, she is always willing to do it again - with fervor!

And thus it is that today my "life is fabulous at forty" story centers around my gratitude for having this incredibly amazing woman in my life.  All hail The Queen.  You entered my life just when I needed you most, my friend.


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