Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Man

Hands down, the most fabulous part of today was having my 11 month old little man dedicated to God - a brief ceremony which was shared by the people who love him the most: his Grammy and Papa, his Tia, his Sissy, his Auntie C, my Childhood Twin and her son, and the wonderful congregation we are lucky to belong to as part of their family.  The man who conducted the dedication is one those rarest of blessings in life: a soul mate in whom I confide my darkest fears and concerns and from whom I receive priceless empathy and validation as well as endless advice and support.  Thanks to him, this brief moment felt exceedingly personal and poignant - and also thanks to him, I was able to get through it with joy unencumbered by the sadness which often overtakes me when I'm feeling the conspicuous absence of the one person who should be present for moments such as these but instead has chosen to be absent for every moment.

But today was not about who was not in attendance or the nonsensical motives behind that choice - today was about this amazing little man who has blessed our lives with daily laughter and love.  Today, I - with the support of so many extraordinary people - committed to raising my son to know and love Jesus, to be a good and faithful human being, and to strive to always be his best.  It's a daunting task to be entrusted with caring for the life of such a spectacular human being, but if God considers me worthy of it, then I'm up to the challenge. 

The rewards will far exceed the effort, anyway.  They always do.

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