Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The little things...

Today was just a normal day.  I had a jam-packed schedule, as I always have on Tuesdays (especially since I teach a three-hour class Tuesday evenings).  I had left work to be done at the last minute, and even had to scramble to grade papers that my mother - THANK GOD - reminded me I had left laying on her living room floor.  I didn't have time to clean up the kitchen or the living room or to put away the laundry or make my bed (well - I had time for that, I was just too lazy) or even to have lunch.  So today was one of those days in which I had to look for things to blog about - to pay attention to the little things that happened and celebrate them.  Amazingly, I was able to find several.

Here are the little things that made my day:

1) I laughed and chatted with one of my best friends even before I got to work this morning.  What made this particularly entertaining was that she (the responsible one) was still at home playing on Facebook and should've left for work much earlier - while I (the perpetually late one) was actually early to my first appointment of the day.  Ha!

2)  A much younger man emailed me a reminder of his perpetual "crush" on me, comparing his emotions toward me to Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis.  (Of course I think he's totally off his rocker, but that doesn't stop me from feeling flattered by the attention.)

3)  When I rebuffed the much younger man's confession of "love," he agreed with me that even friendship would be difficult considering the impact his emotions would have on his behavior.  Ha HA!  Not only was I right, but for once a man didn't freak out and get all viciously defensive in response to my candor!  (Actually, this occurrence alone could qualify this day as one for the record books, now that I think about it.)

4) Another man told me that even my "rants" are "colorful and fun to read."  (Yes, I know - he's obviously a wee bit loony as well, but still - I'm getting compliments here, people!)

5) I spent forever in Hallmark reading every sappy picture frame and plaque and magnet and card imaginable and getting misty-eyed as I reflected on all the wonderful ways in which my friend The Queen has made a priceless difference in my life.  (It's her birthday tomorrow.  She's a whopping THIRTY-SIX.)

6) When I was at home for a mere 40 minutes, I completely forgot that when I had looked in the mirror earlier I had looked like death warmed over, and so I didn't even attempt to apply more makeup or fix my hair but instead went to class looking bedraggled and didn't even care! 

7) When I arrived at school, I purchased a mocha coffee and thoroughly enjoyed licking the foam from the top of my lip and indulging in a couple hundred extra wasted calories.  Helloooo! CHOCOLATE.

8) And finally - when I decided to help my students out with a little extra review prior to their quiz tonight, I actually managed to find the other version I had been looking for all week, and they seemed to have FUN reviewing grammar for once.  (Again - record books.  Absolutely.)

So perhaps today wasn't "normal" after all.  Or maybe it was - and it just so happens that my life is pretty darned good everyday.  If that's the case, then I think I like "normal."  In fact, I like it a LOT. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Just for the record, I didn't even get on FB this morning so I can't blame that on why I was late for work AGAIN. And I think your life is pretty darned good everyday. Sometimes it is tough to appreciate the little things that really do make it all worthwhile. T
