Sunday, November 29, 2009

I've been remiss - for a good reason!

Last evening, when my daughter and I were headed upstairs to "cuddle," as she puts it, I said, "I really should blog."  But the computer was still turned off from having been gone for three nights, and my daughter was anxious to crawl into my bed and just chill out - something we hadn't done in several days - so I said, "To heck with it."  (Actually, what I was said was a bit stronger than that - but I'm trying to be at least somewhat appropriate here.)

We had spent the day bringing Christmas into our lives - - by restringing the tree and garlands for outside and hanging them then heading to church for the "hanging of the greens,"food, and fellowship, after which we returned home to sneak in a quick haircut for the fuzzy-headed Little Man before Mom and Dad arrived to help put up our tree and otherwise deck the halls (actually the living and dining rooms) at my house. Yes - there are still boxes stacked in the living room, and the dining table is covered with all the picture frames and knick knacks that must be stored away for the season, but I've got time to tackle that today, and I seem to get giddier and giddier as the house is further transformed with the Christmas spirit.  It's making time to deal with the dishes and random odds and ends stacked on the kitchen counter that might be a problem.  Maybe I should just do that first to get it over with!

But for now, it's off to church to celebrate the official beginning of advent with some of my favorite people - - the type of family I particularly love because they sat watching me decorate the church tree yesterday afternoon while consistently saying, "That looks great!" instead of "Oh, I don't think you should put that there" and such.  But come to think of it, Mom didn't say that last night, either - - she just kept saying, "Your tree looks really nice."  So I guess the Christmas spirit really has arrived.  :o)

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