Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I lied.

So I didn't write again on Sunday.  But shoot - there's been so much going on.  And honestly, I don't feel like writing now - - but guilt can be a powerful motivator.

Of course I don't know what to say exactly.  There are - once again - a zillion things going through my head.

Ugh, I don't have time to deal with brake issues in my car! - I hope my sis didn't have a horrifically sad day in the midst of her grief over losing her beloved kitty - how can I help my students "get" grammar when I've simplified the approach as much as I can?!? - I'm tired but I don't feel like sleeping - I've got five Miche shows in the next 8 days and I'm not ready!! - do I go to Kiwanis in the morning or skip it?? - oh my god my sides hurt from yoga last night! - should I sneak in a couple more games on Webkinz? - isn't it pathetic that I play on Webkinz? - why have I been so irritated by everyone lately?? - I seriously hate grading and I just can't figure out why because I honestly don't mind it - yeah, that didn't make sense, but I know what I mean - I hate being sick - I wonder how many students I grossed out tonight with my constantly running nose - I should get up and wash my face - and take out my contacts - I love Rachel Maddow! She's just so darned smart and funny - I hate feeling like life is about just getting through one more day's worth of busy-ness - CRAP!  I need to do my taxes - I must stop eating fast food!! - I have to pee - shoot, I hope Little Man doesn't keep yelling all the time - why, why, why, why, why do I always have piles and piles of random stuff all over the place??? - I've got to fill out a schedule - but I'll never stick to it, so what's the point? - my ears feel funky - ok, just one more game on Webkinz - or maybe two - three tops - then I MUST sleep.

Well, after I reach level 5.

Have I ever reached level 5 before?

Ok - then as soon as I start nodding off.

I really don't think I'm going to Kiwanis.

Oh, well.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! That's why I can't even go near my computer at home.
