Sunday, February 21, 2010

And I lied AGAIN

I haven't written much.  This is good and bad - - good because it means I've been busy.  Bad because it also means I'd have had to gripe about a couple things that have slammed me in the midst of my busy-ness - - and I adamantly refuse to gripe on here.  Lament past anguish - sure.  But straight up vent - cattily, viciously, or otherwise - no way.

Here is how I've coped, though:
- The kids and I had a sleepover with my mother while Dad was away.  We laughed and joked over Chinese food.  It was yummy all the way around.
- I ordered "herbal remedies" and have been taking them faithfully for a couple days.
- I also indulged in lots of wine with some hysterically entertaining (and poignantly real) women who have become treasured new friends.
- I hosted a jewelry show so that I might add to my already excessive collection.  (It feels darn good to sport bling!!)
- And I was nice to Little Man's sd.  Am still being nice, in fact.  (I'll have to keep you posted on that one, though - it rarely lasts more than a few days.)

Now I'm going to shower - - something I desperately need to do.  Later, I'm going to try like heck to sell a LOT of Miche Bags. (And pray that the retail gods are smiling on me today because yesterday's show was an absolute bust.  UGH.)

Gosh, I love that when I blog I can write in fragments.  Another plus!

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