Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brain Fuel

The beauty of being forty is that you're so much more self aware - and mature enough to make the necessary shifts when that awareness reveals your shortcomings.  The ugliness, though, is just how bad you know it is to rebel against making those shifts.

I'm definitely older now.  My body makes that superficially obvious, but it's my brain that really hammers home this painful point.  Suddenly all those synapses that are supposed to be firing in a certain order at a certain rhythm (or however it is your brain is supposed to work) are all messed up and tripping over themselves, it seems.  Sometimes they even fall down all together and just don't want to get back up. That's when I find myself once again paralyzed - unable to so much as lift a finger to file the tiniest of papers or even pick up a coffee cup that was set up on the mantle two weeks ago and now probably resembles a science experiment.

I still haven't figured out how to deal once things get to this point - - you know, where there are SO MANY piles and SO MUCH CRAP that it would seemingly take WEEKS to sort through (though an efficient person could probably handle it all in a weekend) and so even trying to think about where to start is painful -- and for someone like me, whose brain is firing all over the place, it's that much worse because I simply CANNOT  stay on task long enough to complete even ONE of these organizational projects, yet I have - - well, DR one, LR two, SR three, K four, H five, JR six, ER seven, BR eight, MR nine, BM ten... HOLY CRAP!  I have like a dozen different areas of my house that are in complete chaos!!

So let's say I'm trying to clear all the paperwork off the dining room table.  Here's how that goes:  There is a stack of Miche sales slips which have not yet been entered into my spreadsheet, and on which there are email addresses that also need to be entered, so all I can do with them for now is stack them in a neat pile.  Then there are receipts.  Ditto.  Over here are several pieces of Ellie's artwork -- but I don't really have anywhere to put them because her desk is stacked up worse than the DR table, and I haven't yet figured out what kind of storage system to use for her artwork, much less where to put that storage system once I acquire it.  So that gets stacked more neatly and left where it is.  Oh - right - here's that coupon for $150 if I open a new checking account with US Bank.  I haven't decided yet if I'm going to use that -- have to see if everything will transfer fine when the sale of my current bank goes through... OH, DANG IT!  Jake fell down and is crying....  And the project comes to a screeching halt.

And yet when I try to relax for a few minutes and give the kids the attention they deserve, my mind is all over the place - worrying about the stacks and piles and heaps and mounds and loads of whatnot scattered all over my freaking house.

So my sister and I talked about how restless and chaotic and overwhelmed my poor tired brain is.  Hmmm.... what could cause it to go haywire this past week? we wondered.  Well - there was that junior bacon cheeseburger and biggie fries I got from Wendy's -- THREE DIFFERENT TIMES.  Oh, and those new herbal ADD remedies I ordered?  I can hardly remember to take them every morning, much less THREE TIMES A DAY.  And exercise?  Who has time for that?!?

So, yes - I am self aware.  And I am also intelligent enough to figure out exactly what I need to do to overcome these issues.  But I'm also tired and petulant and apparently not yet mature enough to devote myself to doing them!  GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

I need a vacation.

Oh, right!  Luckily, I have a beach vacation scheduled for next week!  Unfortunately, all that damn Wendy's has not only aged my brain, but it has further exacerbated the aging body issue.  Good thing I gave up on bikinis years ago.

Seafood is good brain food.  And my sister swears we're doing yoga on the beach every morning.  Maybe this vacation could actually be healthy for me in more ways than one...  If only I can lay off the banana daiquiris. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. It's good to know that other people have piles too. My biggest problem is combining the piles and shoving them into my pantry closet when the cleaning lady comes. Then I forget about that pile until two weeks later when I go to put the next piles there. At least I make sure I don't stick any unpaid bills in there. The one thing good about the system is that once the papers have sat for a month or two, they are a lot easier to throw in the recycle bin.

    If you figure out a good system for the artwork, you'll have to let me know. I've been thinking about scanning the drawings and then pitching the originals.
