Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm bringing sexy back.

All my life I thought "beautiful" meant perfection. If I weren't the most superficiallyattractive woman in the room, I felt inadequate. If I didn't look AWESOME, I wouldn't be wanted or loved.

What an idiot!

Now I weigh 30+ pounds more and my baby-stretched, flabby belly hangs over my pants. Heck, it even bunches up under my bra when I'm sitting down -- and I can feel my ass when I walk!! And yet I feel sexier than ever. It does help that extra weight means I actually have SOME boobs... But even moreso, it helps that I've realized that sexy IS an attitude. And as many people will tell you, I have PLENTY of that.

So to heck with those who still perceive attractiveness as coming only in a 19 year old perfection package. Methinks they are REALLY missing out! I'd much rather be a MILF.

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