Thursday, March 31, 2011


No better way to lift my spirits.  And as long as I've got the credit cards paid off and money in savings, I'm going to indulge my addiction.  HA!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's time!!!

I just read my last post and almost laughed out loud - - or vomited - - or both.  How uptight does my vocab sound?!?  Sheesh.

So I'm back.  I won't promise it's permanent, but I'm gonna try.  Heck, it's going to take me months just to catch up on the last year I've spent NOT blogging.  But at least this post is a start.  At least I'm ready to start sharing my thoughts again - and boy have they been twisted since last summer when a very sad, psychotic woman decided that she must destroy me both personally and professionally (because I had once been in a relationship with the guy she was screwing - who was NOT her husband?!?) and I became a self-centered bad friend and non writer. :o(

But there's nothing like imagining your worst-case-scenario as having your teaching career destroyed, losing your house, and having to move back into your parents' home where you would focus your efforts on writing a best seller about your ordeal to make you realize your life is pretty darned awesome - especially in comparison to the nightmare the psycho has caused for herself.  (Oh, to have been present when the police apprehended her as she prostrated herself amongst her neighbor's hastas, as if they wouldn't find her and realize she was up to no good when she was decked out in a ski mask, hoodie, gloves, and sweats in the dead of of a 90 degree summer!)  Certainly gaining a challenging yet uber rewarding new teaching job with the BEST KIDS EVER has been quite a help as well.  And of course being back on the shore, lulled by the crashing waves and rejuvenated by the warmth of the sun (and my kids' laughter and hugs) has really helped me get back in touch with ME in a way that makes me want to reach out again.

And so my "new me resolution" is to once again blog.

And a special thank you to escape_button and her blog about the pursuit of happiness for inspiring me.  Funny how a complete stranger can totally change our lives without even knowing it.

Get ready, blog readers!  It's going to be an amazing ride this time!!